Epic 3

Epic 3 has a less complicated scoring system - it is basically a race to fastest finish, with only Conquest, Cultural and Diplomatic victories turned on. There is also an emphasis on growth with points for highest population at a couple of stages of the game. I made sure this time that I left myself enough time to actually finish the game - epic speed and a large map seemed to me to lend itself to a long game.


teaser image for Epic 3

Sponsor: Sirian

Opening Date: Monday, May 8

Duration: Five Weeks

Difficulty: Monarch

Civilization: Inca

World Size: Large

Opponents: Egypt, France, America

Map Script: Archipelago

Landmass Type: Snaky Continents

Sea Level: High

Climate: Tropical

Rules: No Barbarians

Victory: Conquest, Cultural, or Diplomatic.


Fastest Conquest Victory:

Fastest True Diplomatic Victory (your civ controls less than 40% of the world's population):

Fastest "Back Door Domination" Victory (diplomatic win with 40% or more of world pop):

Fastest Cultural Victory:

Histogram/Time Victories:

Largest Population in 1AD (or the first turn that comes along after 1AD passes):

Largest Population in 1502AD:

Largest Fully-Fed City at game's end:

Fastest Your Civ Reaches Modern Age:

Scoring Clarifications: