Adventure 3: Part 6 - The Score Sheet

RBCiv Adventure Three Scoresheet - Pling

F - Farmer items

P - Priest items

S - Soldier items

Items to score in 500AD:

S: 0 cities captured from barbarians or rivals.

S: 10 XP on most-experienced unit. ie 10 points

Items to score in 1000AD:

P:Yes Do I have a permanent state religion and own its Holy Shrine?

P:10 cities converted to my permanent state religion. ie 20 points

Items to score in 1500AD:

S: 2 cities captured from barbarians or rivals since 500AD. ie 4 points

F: 0 cities founded by me that are currently size 15 or larger.

F: 9 Health Resources within my borders and connected. ie 9 points

P: 14% Percentage points of Influence (F7) for religions I founded. ie 14 points

Items to score at game's end:

F: 6 cities founded, 5 left at game end cities I founded. ie 5 points

F: 0 cities I founded that have reached size 25.

S: 0 cities captured from barbarians or rivals since 1500AD.

S: 0 cities I captured that have reached size 25.

S:10 XP on most-experienced surviving unit. ie 10 points

F: Yes Did I adopt Hereditary Rule and stick with it for the duration? ie 25 points

F: No Did I adopt State Property by 1800AD and stick with it for the duration?

F: Yes Did I adopt Bureaucracy and stick with it for the duration? ie 15 points

F: Yes Did I adopt Organized Religion and stick with it for the duration? ie 10 points

P: Yes Did I adopt the first religion to appear in Russia and stick with it for the duration? ie 25 points

P: Yes Did I found a religion? ie 10 points

P: Yes Did I build the Shrine for my Permanent State Religion? ie 20 points

P: 0 Number of non-state religions I founded.

P: 0 Number of non-state religious Shrines I built with my Great Prophets.

P: 19 one of which was razed, so 18 at game end cities converted to my permanent state 18 points

P: 1 rival civs (ever) converted to my permanent state religion. ie 10 points






No Did I win?

N/A Did I win by Diplomacy with less than 40% of world population?

N/A My Victory Condition, if applicable.




Yes Am I a Tsar? (Did I score at least 15 points in each category? F/P/S?)

No Did I "bind the three" by scoring at least 50 points in each category?

No Do I deserve to be called "Tsar the Great" by my comrades? (Did I score 150 in all three categories?)

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