Adventure 3: Part 5

Somewhere along the line I've neglected to note that the Spanish city on Toledo's doorstep was destroyed by the Arabs - on the one hand this conveniently left me with more space ... on the other hand it did remove a Christian city from the map. Ah well.

I've decided that I need to up my military - Moscow has the Heroic Epic and is making riflemen all the time, but I've also decided that every other build for all the other cities should also be a rifleman. Saladin is starting to look annoyed, so I'm going to stand some troops around on our border and hope he thinks I'm stronger than I really am.

In 1894AD Steel is discovered, so I switch Moscow over to building the Ironworks. The Great Scientist born in 1906AD is sent off to Rostov to found an Academy. Moscow finishes the Ironworks 2 turns before Rocketry is discovered, so starts building the Apollo program. All my rifleman build orders switch to SAM Infantry. Keeping them coming & mostly lining them up looking at Saladin. Who is poking about, but not being particularly menacing despite being annoyed.

In 1935 I manage to get Qin to agree to a Defensive Pact - hoping to give Saladin second thoughts if he's thinking of trying anything. Asoka completes the Indian Apollo Program in 1937, I'm still 18 turns away and I've only the one good production city so I'm pretty sure to lose this space race. In 1941 we're told how cultured we all are - I'm on the list at least:

In 1946AD Christianity spreads to Asyut. And in 1952 I finally finish the Apollo Program, and Moscow lines up 5 SS Casings. In 1958 Qin switches to Free Religion, so stops being Christian and cancels our Defensive Pact as he's only Pleased now, not Friendly. And rather bizarely the other civs seem to be fidgeting around trying to get cities on the worthless bit of ice to my north:

The Great Prophet born in 1963AD merges with Moscow to give more hammers. And in 1967 Asoka finishes the United Nations and the first of many, many votes for the Secretary General starts. There are 6 of these in total, each time except the last is Asoka v. Saladin (the last one is Asoka v. Montezuma). And I abstain every time, and there's no winner every time. Now if it was a human playing Asoka they'd notice that if they buttered up me then they'd win next time. So I figured I'd see what I could fleece Asoka for, but no dice. No deals accepted. So Asoka kept losing at that. But Asoka won overall - in 1992AD when I'd only got 5 SS Casings, Asoka launched a spaceship and won the game:

And a couple of screenshots to finish off. Firstly, here's my highest XP unit at game end:

And here's the scores, showing I'm still Christian:

And the civics I'm running:

Part 6 of this report is the score sheet!

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