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Photos from the Louvre

Back in September 2011 J & I spent a few days in Paris, primarily to go and look at the Egyptian collections in the Louvre. I’ve been very slack about sorting my photos out, but have finally put up the set from the second day we spent in the Louvre – they are all here and I’ve pulled out a few highlights for this post.

We started off that day by looking at the Mona Lisa and some of the other Renaissance paintings, and the Winged Victory of Samothrace.

Renaissance Paintings Gallery in the LouvreWinged Victory of Samothrace

After that we headed back to the second floor of the Egyptian galleries. This suite of rooms is laid out chronologically from the Pre-Dynastic period through to the Roman period. Each room had some key pieces laid out with lots of space round them and then a couple of cases tucked away at the side crammed with objects (like a selection of alabaster vases of the period, or scarabs, or seals etc). There were a lot fewer people here than there had been on the other floor of Egyptian items – I’m not sure everyone realised there was more!

Handle of a Pre-Dynastic KnifePre-dynastic PaletteAlabastar JarsSetka, son of DjedefreSeated ScribeMajordomo KekiFaience HippoAlabastar JarsBlack & White StatuesGolden Dish Decorated with FishSpoons in Form of Girls & DucksAkhenatenKing and GodShabti of Seti ISobekIsis Suckling Horus