

General Stats

Total Games: 1
Total Kills: 4(Killed Team Members:
Not included in Total Kills
Kills/Game: 4.00
Longest Kill Streak: 1
Total Deaths: 4Suicides: 0Killed by World: 1(Killed by Team Members:
Not included in Total Deaths
Deaths/Game: 4.00
Longest Death Streak: 1
Kill Ratio: 1.00
Efficiency: 44.44%
Talking: 0
Talking/Game: 0.00

Killers, Victims and the Weapons Used

KillersNo. TimesVictimsNo. TimesBeen Killed ByNo. TimesUsed to KillNo. Times
Pyorrhoea1Cuddles1Machine Gun1Grenade Launcher2
D3V^sharac1Pyorrhoea1Hyperblaster1Rocket Launcher2
  dawg1Falling to Your Death1  

Produced by Pling's Quake4 Xbattle Log Analysis script v0.3