Epic 8: Peace

I don't have many screenshots of this phase of the game - there were few big, noticeable events. I'm teching my way up the tree to Rocketry - with detours for Riflemen, for Music, for Emancipation. A cash injection from a Great Merchant (I think I sent him to a former American city) and the Forbidden Palace in Beijing solve the biggest of my money woes. A little before I get to Steam Power:

Epic 8 Screenshot 50

I think Mansa's nuts … but I'll still take the Coal off his hands, just in case I don't have any. I needn't've worried though:

Epic 8 Screenshot 51

Memphis tries to make up for lack of Copper (not precisely successfully):

Epic 8 Screenshot 52

Finally I get a Great Artist in Ghangzhou and send him off posthaste to Memphis for a great work

Epic 8 Screenshot 53

But I don't get the Copper back. I'm not really that fussed about the Copper itself, it's more symbolic of the issues with cultural pressure I'm having at the moment - all three of my core cities (Thebes, Memphis and Heliopolis) are struggling to hang onto their tiles. Lizzy is shooting ahead in culture, and actually looks like she has a decent chance to win a cultural victory.

I'm still researching Nationhood on my way to Democracy and Emancipation when I see this:

Epic 8 Screenshot 54

Not good news. I played on for a bit, until shortly after the next Apollo Project message (from Julius) then put the game aside for a few days.

Backward to Part 2: War | Onward to Part 4: Defeat